Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Back to the grind

After a lovely week of rest and relaxation in Texas, I once again find myself back at a little christian college campus in Northwest Arkansas. Times like these remind me that time is quite a strange thing. It seems like forever since my lovely lady arrived here for her spring break a couple Saturdays ago, but it seems like no time at all since I arrived at this campus for the first time. I don't think the human mind truly interprets time linearly.

Of course, my mind is hardly an accurate summation of human minds in general. I'm much too scatterbrained for that. I think that people do tend to list events in their minds in order of importance and emotional significance however, not just on a chronological timeline. What I ate for breakfast this morning may not inhabit my memory nearly as clearly as that time that a pretty little Texas girl rested her head on my shoulder on a bus in Florida.

I don't even know where all of this is going. Right now I'm just posting something on my blog because I really don't want to write my three page analysis essay that's due tomorrow. Three pages and I can't seem to get more than a couple paragraphs squeezed out of my brain. I want to just go to bed and do it in the morning, but that seems somewhat scary to me, because I don't know if I'll have time to complete it before class at 11. Ah well. I think that's what I'm going to do. My eyes are starting to blur.


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