Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fatty gobbetts...

Semi-serious injuries are quite entertaining. For example, I cut my hand open while sledding yesterday. When you live in a building with 180 other people, all stuck inside because of the snow, a little bit of blood and some dramatic screaming always draws a significant crowd. Anyways, I was stupid (as any 19 year old in college has a right to be) and decided it would be a good idea to hurl myself down the death slope next to the 100 steps without a sled. One of those "here, hold my beer" moments. Except there wasn't any beer involved. I'm not sure if that makes it even more pathetic.

I guess "cutting my hand open" might be a little overstatement. Whatever decided to attack my hand during my rapid descent thought it decent to only go fat-deep. Not all that serious, though time will tell whether or not I should have gotten stitches. Still, seeing one's fatty tissue peeking through several layers of skin to blubber out "hello!" is enough to make one nauseous.

I would like to say that I have wonderful friends. Specifically, my sister-in-law who took incredible photos of all the blood, and my brother who gutted it up and scrubbed my hand as hard as he could. Oh yeah, that dramatic screaming I was talking about? That was him.

Okay, I'll admit, I might have screamed too, but considering the amount of blood that was pouring into the sink, I believe it was entirely justified. So, nearly 24 hours later, the wound has ceased to ooze bodily fluids and appears to be on track to recovery.

Moral lesson? ... Well, the best thing I can think of, if you're going to do something idiotic, I would advise being under the influence of alcohol. At least then you'll have a decent excuse, unlike me.


  1. And at least one or two credits to the cyber nursing and doctoring involved...isn't technology great?

  2. Niceee.

    I still don't think it was THAT stupid. Just a freak accident. I mean, you'd gone down sled-less once before that. :-)

  3. Pat said to tell you to rub some dirt in it and wrap it up with duct tape, and you'll be fine.

    i do not advise that.
